spain - catalonia
the netherlands italy reggio emiliaItaly Ancona


TYPE OF LAB Media Lab learning in formal secondary education at three different institutions.

DESCRIPTION Limited by the formal educational curricula, the schools will offer to more advantaged young students a certain number of hours weekly for creative LAB activities. The schools will try to offer the youth teams the opportunity to continue the LAB activities in non-formal (community based) or informal (private) after-school settings.
The in-curricular activities will be carried out throughout the school year of 2012-2013.

THE SCOPE OF THE LAB The project will address a number of classes in three different secondary institutions, and a number of teachers with a special interest in working with creative media.

LOCAL SUSTAINABILITY AND EXPLOITATION EXPECTATIONS The LAB activities are expected, if successful, to be an inspiration to the three schools at large and to the school networks in Reggio Emilia.