Well, if you are simply curious you can contact project
Mireia Masgrau on
co-coordinator Jan Gejel on
Then we talk and we find out how we can assist you.
If you wish to use the LABlearning ideas and principles
in practice, we would like to offer you some guidance
and some dialogues that might take place on location
in your city or region - or on location in one of the
project LAB communities.
Start a dialogue with Mireia or Jan if you wish
to go in this direction.
You might even wish to join the LAB's in an informal and networking way, like
following the progression of the LABs or interacting with one or more of the project
LABs, and in this case the project will collaborate with you on finding the best way
of doing this. Contact Mireia or Jan and let us see what we can find out..!
The LABlearning project can also offer to arrange workshops or meetings
in your community or institution, if you wish to inspire your teachers, mentors,
youth workers - or managers.
Contact Mireia or Jan and tell us about your needs and interests...
It's nice to know about creative initiatives, but it is nicer to get involved !!!