spain - catalonia
the netherlands italy reggio emiliaItaly Ancona


TYPE OF LAB Media Lab learning as additional non-formal provision in support of VET students at risk

DESCRIPTION The LAB activities will take place at the resourceful PoliArte VET College, but will address young VET students at risk of drop-out or poor learning results from a network of VET colleges in the community.
The idea is to let the PoliArte College function as a non-formal after-school LAB provision for the participating VET institutions, and to engage mentors from the VET colleges and media professionals from PoliArte in the youth projects.

THE SCOPE OF THE LAB The Training 2000 LAB will address a number of at-risk VET students from surrounding colleges and a small number of teachers from these colleges plus a small number of media resources from PoliArte and the partner organisation, Training2000.

LOCAL SUSTAINABILITY AND EXPLOITATION EXPECTATIONS The experiment is expected to raise a lot of attention in the community's educational sector, and if successful the experiment will serve as an inspiration for further LAB provisions.